Clock360 Lottery
Clock360Lottery Contract Address: 0xdb883255C9F6761c9aB120a3e5C0E1dA0F12B127
The first lottery will start after the end of the pre-sale.
We have a Lottery system, once a day a draw will take place.
You can bet a minimum of 1 $CLOCK Token and a maximum of 100 $CLOCK Tokens.
1 $CLOCK Token is equal to one entry so 100 $CLOCK Tokens is equal to 100 entries.
The more entries you have, the more chances you have to win.
For example:
If there are already 990 entries in the entry total (990 $CLOCK Tokens in the smart contract) and you want to bet 10 $CLOCK Tokens (10 entries).
There will be a total of 1000 entries of which 10 will be yours.
You will therefore have (10/1000).100= 1% chance of winning the Jackpot.
If you had 100 entries, according to the same calculation, you would have a 10% chance of winning the jackpot.
The Jackpot is made up of 75% of the total bets, so using the example of 1000 entries, the winner will automatically receive 750 $CLOCK Tokens.
The remaining 25% will be sent automatically to the Burn Contract.
1 entry Minimum
100 entries maximum (per wallet)
Only one winner
In the event of a loss, the $CLOCK Tokens bet are lost and fund the winner and the Burn
Each winner is selected with a random number using Chainlink VRF.
This is a fair probability.
Last updated